Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Spring is Back...and so are Allergies.

My husband and I spent most of Friday night and Saturday outdoors. As Tom was planting his vegetables, I looked up and swirling in the wind were seeds, petals, pollen and other signs that Spring had arrived and was getting down to business.

The next morning, I walked out to my car and it was COVERED in yellow pollen. I am not sure which tree is the culprit, but I am amazed at the amount of pollen it produced.

Now, I know all you allergy sufferers out there are hurting. What do you do to alleviate your allergy symptoms? Leave a comment below or E-mail tara patty at ryan lawn dot com.

1 comment:

VL - victoriaINkansas said...

It is really important to be consistent with whatever treatments you choose. Don't just skip a day because you feel better - the trees continue to produce pollen for a couple more months. So if a zyrtec or a claritin helps, do it every day. Keep the windows closed too!

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