Monday, October 19, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

Halloween is coming up in a few weeks - the weather sure feels about right. Over the weekend I ventured over to a pumpkin patch to pick out my pumpkins for the big day.

One of my pumpkins was warty, like the one pictured above. The variety is called "Knucklehead" according the helpful patch personnel. I think it has character. You do have to be careful not knock the warts off, however.

In honor of pumpkins, I decided to make some pumpkin dip this weekend. I mixed about a cup of canned pumpkin with a block of cream cheese and a half a cup of brown sugar. Then, I added 2 teaspoons of maple syrup, some cinnamon, nutmeg and a little vanilla. My friend Lauren recommended it to use as a dip for apples. I thought it was quite tasty with graham crackers as well. FALL IS HERE!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Hooray for pumpkins and pumpkin dips, muffins, pies, bars, cupcakes, etc...Now that we can buy it, I think everything should be pumpkin-flavored for a couple of months!

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