Thursday, March 19, 2009

NOW Is The Time To Stop Crabgrass

Crabgrass can be prevented now.*

If you live in the Midwest, the window to prevent crabgrass with a preemergent is narrowing. Crabgrass is difficult to treat once you see it in your lawn. Applying a preemergent to your lawn will stop this ugly weeds before it breaks the soil surface.

If you have a lawn service, be sure they are getting your preemergent down now. If you want to treat your lawn yourself, go to your local garden store and follow the directions on the label.

At Ryan Lawn & Tree, we actually use two preemergents, one now and one in approximately six weeks.

*Bare areas are prime locations for any weed to break through. The best defense against a weedy yard is a thick stand of grass, achieved through regular fertilizing and proper mowing and watering.

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