Monday, June 29, 2009


My astilbe has finished blooming for the season. I snapped this picture a few weeks ago when they were going strong. My husband brought these plants home last year and they didn't look very good. My husband had removed them for someone who had planted them in a full sun location and the leaves looked very crispy. We planted them and kept them watered. This spring they came back looking great - even better than the ones I had purchased a few years ago!

Since my backyard area is quite shady, I was hoping the flowers would be white. Even though they are a light pink, I think they add nice color because they are planted en masse. Astilbe does well in an irrigated, shady area - just like the one we provide.

1 comment:

Jodie said...

Thank you for responding to my question concerning sweet peas! Now I can take the seeds (hundreds) and put them in my Mother's flowerbed. They can grow up the house and make a beautiful back drop for her smaller plants! Thank you again! I LOVE this site!

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