I overheard a conversation in the grocery store the other day that reminded me of my post on planting depth.
The cashier was telling her customer, who was purchasing a Rose of Sharon, that she can't get anything to grow in her yard because it was so shady. She went on to say that her daffodils and tulips won't bloom because of the shade.
I almost piped in with, "Oh, you just planted them too deep." Luckily, I held my tongue. Novice gardeners really shouldn't give unsolicited advice about shade.
It did remind me that is important to be diligent in planting things at the right depth. I use the hand ruler on the side of my garden ruler to double check. No guesstimating for me; that's just asking for trouble.
If you don't have a ruler as part of your gardening tool kit, I strongly recommend one. You can buy the one pictured above, here.